Media + Outreach

I enjoy exchanging ideas and sharing knowledge in as many ways I can. Here are some examples.



I am an accomplished speaker and workshop facilitator with over fifteen years of experiences in guiding and leading discussions and appearing on panels. In 2018, these included speaking as a panelist at Twitter Australia HQ and at the Australian Centre for Public History's 'Out in the Streets' discussion on LGBTIQ activism in Sydney from the 1970s to the present, amongst others. I have also spoken on topics I am passionate about at forums such as Amnesty International Panels, the Human Rights Arts and Film Festival and the SAMESAME Global Leaders of Marriage Equality panel. 


I have appeared on all free-to-air television stations and multiple times on programs such as Sky News. I have appeared on BBC World News reflecting on Australia’s one year anniversary of marriage equality and LGBTIQ rights in Asia and the Pacific. Appearances also range from feature interviews on programs such as The Project on Channel 10, discussing how 'coming out' has changed over time for lesbian women, through to news stories on multicultural support for marriage equality and the Irish referendum results in 2015. I have also been interviewed for radio programs such as ABC's Life Matters on topics such as volunteering and HIV and AIDS and LGBT military service. In 2018, I was awarded the Honour Media Award by ACON (AIDS Council of NSW) - an awards program that acknowledges outstanding achievements within, or excellent service to, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community in NSW.

The Project TV Channel Ten
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I enjoy writing for print and online media. During the Australian same-sex marriage postal survey of 2017, I co-wrote 16 articles for the Huffington Post. I have also written for a diverse range of other sources, including the MamamiaBrisbane Times, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Star Observer, ABC News, SBS News and many others.  

INVITED TALKS & ADvisory roles


I am happy to give invited talks and lectures to diverse audiences. In 2018, these have included an address at Australian Parliament House, the Annual Peter Tyler Oration for the Professional Historians Association NSW and the National Museum of Australia Defining Moments in Australian History series. I also provide advisory services where able to assist. This has included to the Queensland Government's LGBTIQ Stakeholder Group (2011) and providing oral history training to a wide range of community organisations and individuals.  


I was jointly awarded the inaugural Oral History Australia Media Award (2019) with co-curator Anisa Puri, for our digital exhibition A City Responds to Crisis: Volunteers and the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Sydney 1980s-1990s. I have also co-curated the vibrant and moving 'pop up' exhibition Serving in Silence, on LGBTI military service since 1945, which showed in both Melbourne and Sydney in 2018. I have previously co-curated an exhibition for the 30-Year anniversary of the Queensland AIDS Council and Queensland’s Fifty Firsts, the major Sesqui-Centenary historical exhibition that toured throughout the state of Queensland in 2009. I have worked with other stakeholders such as the Museum of Brisbane as the author of interpretive panels for the award-winning Prejudice and Pride: History of LGBT Brisbane exhibition and The Big Picture exhibition. I have also curated and collected oral histories for the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, the State Library of Queensland and the National Library of Australia.